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Thank you for the payment! We kindly request a few more minutes of your time to better understand your specific website/app requirements.
Client Intake Form
Business name to be used on website
Primary contact person name for website build
Email Address Should Be Used on Website
Business Address for website
Fax: (optional)
Mobile: (optional)
Business Social Media Links: (FB, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc)
Existing Website Link
What exactly does your business do? Include links to your competition if possible. (We will use this to better understand your business)
What are the most popular products/services you sell? Do you have one that we can feature? (We will feature these product(s) on the home page.)
What pages do you want for your website? (Home, About Us, Etc...)
How are you planning on converting visitors on your site? What is it you want them to do on your website?
(E.g. Request a free consultation, download a free eBook, report or checklist, sign-up to your newsletter, call your hotline or take up a special offer.)
What colors would you like us to use? Specific hex codes would be best. We will use these as your primary and accent colors.
What fonts would you like us to use? We prefer to use fonts available at https://fonts.google.com/
Interesting websites you like. Please list some websites, or features of websites you like, and briefly state why. This will determine the look and feel would you like for your website. Be as descriptive as possible with links.
What are things that you actually hate or dislike in terms of designs? Tell us these things so we can leave them out. Please be as descriptive as possible, include links to sites if possible. E.g. A website that you hate the look of, colors you dislike, sections that you don’t like, etc.
Is there anything you would like to add about your new website requirements?
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