
At Codebold, we understand that circumstances may change, and you may need to cancel or terminate our services. We aim to provide a transparent and fair cancellation process. Please familiarize yourself with our cancellation policy outlined below:

Service Termination

a. You may request to terminate our services at any time by providing written notice to Codebold. 
b. Upon receiving your termination request, we will review it and confirm the termination process and any applicable fees or refunds, if applicable.

Refunds and Fees

a. If you choose to cancel our services before the work has commenced, you may be eligible for a refund of any prepaid fees, subject to our discretion and any costs incurred by Codebold up to that point. 
b. If the cancellation occurs after work has commenced or upon completion of the services, refunds may be prorated based on the work completed and any costs incurred.

Outstanding Payments

a. In the event of cancellation, any outstanding payments for completed work or services rendered up to the termination date shall remain due and payable. 
b. If there are any unpaid fees or outstanding invoices, we reserve the right to withhold delivery of files, access to systems, or any other deliverables until payment is received.

Intellectual Property

a. Upon cancellation, any intellectual property rights developed or created during the provision of services will be handled as per the terms agreed upon in the original agreement or contract. 
b. Codebold retains ownership of any intellectual property developed or created up to the termination date, unless otherwise specified in the agreement.

Communication and Confirmation

a. All cancellation requests must be submitted in writing to Codebold, either by email or through a formal written notice. 
b. We will acknowledge your cancellation request and communicate the next steps, including any necessary documentation or further information required.

We recommend reviewing your agreement or contract with Codebold to understand the specific terms and conditions related to cancellation. Our team is available to address any questions or concerns you may have regarding the cancellation process.

Please note that this cancellation policy may be subject to modification or updates. Any changes will be communicated to you in a timely manner. 

If you wish to initiate a cancellation or have any further inquiries, please contact us through the provided channels.